Zhytomyr Children
Aikido Federation
History of Aikido
Aikido is a martial art that is a synthesis of ancient techniques of self-defense and struggle combined with the philosophy of harmony of spirit.
The founder of aikido is considered to be Morihei Ueshiba, and the year of its creation is 1925. His husband's morbidity and weakness prompted him to study his practice. During the years of mastering ancient martial arts, Ueshiba turned from a weak and vulnerable child into a strong, enduring and muscular man. He learned from the experience of teachers in many areas.
But despite the perfect body and the glory of an invincible warrior, his soul did not find peace. Then he turned to religious and philosophical teachings. The result - the creation of its own school Aikikai, which introduced the martial art called aikido and combined physical and spiritual development.
It was only after World War II that Morihei made his discovery public. Prior to that, only proven people studied at the school. Today there are many styles of aikido, with their own techniques and interpretation. But his main principle - to take care of the attacker during the fight - remains unchanged.
You can learn more about Morihei by clicking on his photo and following the link.


If you have any questions For Aikido training and more information, call:
(097) 996 43 63
(093) 611 70 08